This is a picture of the contents page for 'NME', a music magazine. The contents list is aligned t the right-hand side of the page. Also there are subheadings being used. This is a good thing because if a reader or readers is wanting to find a particular article, it will be a lot quicker for them, so therefore it saves time.
To the left-hand side of the page there is a 'Band Index'. The 'Band Index' is a good bit of information because it tells the reader what artists and bands are featured in the magazine, so if you were in a shop and you were just browsing through the magazines you could see if any of your favourite artists or bands were in the magazine and this would perhaps make your more eager to buy it. Beside the contents list there are small red arrows pointing to various parts of the list, this shows us what articles featured on the front cover of 'New Musical Express'. Again, like the subheadings, this would be a time saving aspect.
Colours being used are mainly red, white and black. These colours all link in with the 'NME' logo. Colour is not only being used to make certain text stand out, it is being used to just generally make the page look nicer and become more pleasant to the eye. I like how the editors of 'New Musical Express' have put the pages numbers in the colour red. This looks affective and it also makes it easy to see them.
As you can see on 'NME's contents page there is an article that is named: 'The moment that... Oasis kicked off their world tour.' A small article on the contents page could be a good aspect to have as it gives your reader an idea of what is going to be inside the magazine. Also it could show what music genre they are aiming at, by using an artist or band with the same genre in the article. With the article there are two pictures. Both seem to be taken from an 'Oasis' gig, this could suggest that there is going to be more gig reviews inside the magazine.
Finally, 'NME' have a small advert at the bottom of their page trying to persuade people to subscribe to their magazine, with a discount offer of 33%. Like the other devices used on the contents page, this is a good factor as the reader sees it straight away, it is eye catching because of the colours being used and it is something promoting 'NME' and could consequently make their sales figures rise.
Overall, I like how 'New Musical Express' used subheadings in their contents list as it makes it easier for the reader to locate a particular article. I also like the use of pictures on the contents page because it then makes the page nicer to look at and eye catching. However, there is a lot of things crammed onto 'NME's contents page and when I am coming to make and design my contents page I do not think that I will have so much things on it, as I think it looks a bit over crowded.
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