Friday 25 March 2011

Evaluation Number 6

Blogger- When I first started my Media AS I had never used a blog before or even really looked at any blogs so I had minimal knowledge on how to use them. I think I have came on leaps and bounds since I first began this Media course in September 2010 and I have a wide knowledge of how to use. Also, not only do I use blogspot I regularly look at blogs such as Topshops.

SlideShare - SlideShare has been useful to me when I have been doing presentations. When I have to do my pitch for my music magazine, I uploaded my PowerPoint onto SlideShare and I found it relatively straight forward and easy seeming as I had not used it before.

Animoto - Animoto has been one of my favourite programs I have used this year. I first began to use Animoto when I made a 'moodboard' for inspiration about my magazine. I like how you can personalise the animation yourself and also add music which was good as I am making a music magazine.

Scribd - When using Microsoft Word it has been quick, simple, and easy to upload these documents onto Scribd and then embed them into my blog. However, I just usually type straight into the blog post on Blogger unless I am creating a document that may need to be a bit more 'in-depth'.

Lookbook - Lookbook was extremely useful when making my music magazine as I was struggling on ideas for poses my model could do. When I was on the website I could just flick through pages and pages of images and then find ones which I though had good and appropriate poses I could copy for the photo shoot for 'IND' magazine.

Twitter - There are hundreds of bands on Twitter and it was a helpful website when looking for bands and artists that I could include in my music magazine.

Facebook - Like above, there are hundreds of bands on Facebook and it was a helpful website when looking for bands and artists that I could include in my music magazine.

Photoshop - I had never used Photoshop before so I found it extremely difficult but I managed to get there in the end! I have learned many new skills including how to edit images, cut images out using the lasso tool and to adjust the contrast and brightness of photographs, among many other things. I am proud of myself for what I have achieved.

Digital Camera - I am not very good at taking photographs and is one of the things I would love to be better at! But, after taking lots and lots of photographs on my photo shoot I could pick out my favourite ones that I would use for 'IND' magazine.

Computer/Laptop - I used the schools computers which included Photoshop on which I unfortunately so not have at home so I had to stay after school to use the facilities. I own a laptop which I do the majority of my blog work on.

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