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I have chosen to compare my artist Chloe Norman, to Indie music artist Florence Welch. Not only do they share the same music genre they also share similarities in appearance. Florence's iconic feature is her red hair and Chloe shares this, I will be talking about the factor in the second picture (below). Moving on, the reason I have chosen this particular image of Chloe and this image of Florence is because of the leather trousers. I was glad when I found this picture of Florence wearing the leather trousers as I can relate my artist to her now; the trousers make the perfect 'Indie' look. However, when looking at the picture of Florence it is very minimalistic, whereas Chloe is wearing a scarf and a cardigan. Maybe I should of kept the outfit simple by just having the leather trousers and white top. Also, both Chloe and Florence are smiling in the photographs, some 'Indie' artists prefer to not do this and have a 'morose' sort of look but Florence does not. Although I have included an image of Chloe in my magazine not smiling I am glad that the front cover image (shown above) is of her smiling as I think it brings in a happier and more welcoming vibe towards the magazine.
Florence and Chloe have a blatant similarity, their red hair! This is one of the reasons I chose Chloe to be my model for my Indie music magazine because my 'Indie' girls like Florence, for example, have red hair. They also have similar colourings such as eye colour. However, this would of course not matter as much as hair colour. Make-up used for the photo shoot included: minimal skin make-up but I made sure any blemishes or spot Chloe had were covered up, and black eye make-up (mascara and eyeliner). After looking at this photo of Florence and comparing it to Chloe, make-up wise, I think that I could of used red lipstick as researching images of Florence Welch I saw that she did wear lipstick in many of the pictures. Although Florence does not have as much eye make-up as Chloe has, it is still the same colour. What's more, in other images of Florence she does have heavy black eye make-up on just like Chloe's in the photograph above. So, overall I think I did well on the make-up front; however I could of included lipstick (preferably red).
In this third photograph of Indie star Florence Welch I will comparing the similarities and differences between her outfit, and Chloe's. Firstly, I chose this dress for Chloe to wear as sheer shirts are in fashion at the moment, especially with the 'Indie' scene. The first photo that I looked at with Florence in the black leather trousers, she is wearing a sheer shirt with them. Colour of the garments is the same which I am pleased to see and they both contain sheer fabric, although Florence is not wearing a shirt dress I have stated above about her wear a shirt in a revious photograph. The length of the dress is short, the same length as the dress Chloe is wearing. However, after researching and finding images of Florence Welch, she does also tend to wear longer, maxi dresses; perhaps I should of chosen an outfit for Chloe that contained an long, maxi dress. Finally, another differance is the shoe: Florence is wearing heels and Chloe is wearing Doc Martin boots. I could not find any images of Florence wearing Doc Martins so I have came to the conclusion that she does not own any. Could of making Chloe wear Doc Martins of been a bad decison as Florence wear heels predomidently? I do not regret this decison as Doc Martins are an indie 'must have'. So, it would be easier to get the 'Indie' image across to readers of 'IND'.
This is the last photograph I am going to compare. I have chosen this image of Florence Welch because she is wearing a very similar outfit to the one my model Chloe is wearing. The leather jackets they are both wearing is practically the same colour, this is good thing as I can see that 'Indie' artists are wearing clothes similar to my made up 'Indie' artist. Also, the colouring in the dresses they are both wearing is similar too, which again is another good thing! If you look at the image of Florence however, she is holding a red lip shaped bag/purse. Maybe I could of included a prop like a small bag when photographing Chloe. Lastly, I think I could of experimented with Chloe's hair more as in pictures that I have researched of Florence Welch she has straight hair in some (like Chloe's) but in others, like this photograph, she has wavy or curly hair. After looking back on my photo shoot I think I should of experimented more with different styles of hair and make-up. However, I am relatively pleased with my outfit choices.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Preliminary Magazine
Below is a magazine I made at the start of the school year when I first began Media Studies AS. The task was to design a school magazine for Lutterworth College, and this would then help us to decide what we wanted to do for our Media coursework - a magazine or film.

Friday, 25 March 2011
Evaluation Number 2
I have chosen to compare my artist Chloe Norman, to Indie music artist Florence Welch. Not only do they share the same music genre they also share similarities in appearance. Florence's iconic feature is her red hair and Chloe shares this, I will be talking about the factor in the second picture (below). Moving on, the reason I have chosen this particular image of Chloe and this image of Florence is because of the leather trousers. I was glad when I found this picture of Florence wearing the leather trousers as I can relate my artist to her now; the trousers make the perfect 'Indie' look. However, when looking at the picture of Florence it is very minimalistic, whereas Chloe is wearing a scarf and a cardigan. Maybe I should of kept the outfit simple by just having the leather trousers and white top. Also, both Chloe and Florence are smiling in the photographs, some 'Indie' artists prefer to not do this and have a 'morose' sort of look but Florence does not. Although I have included an image of Chloe in my magazine not smiling I am glad that the front cover image (shown above) is of her smiling as I think it brings in a happier and more welcoming vibe towards the magazine.
Florence and Chloe have a blatant similarity, their red hair! This is one of the reasons I chose Chloe to be my model for my Indie music magazine because my 'Indie' girls like Florence, for example, have red hair. They also have similar colourings such as eye colour. However, this would of course not matter as much as hair colour. Make-up used for the photo shoot included: minimal skin make-up but I made sure any blemishes or spot Chloe had were covered up, and black eye make-up (mascara and eyeliner). After looking at this photo of Florence and comparing it to Chloe, make-up wise, I think that I could of used red lipstick as researching images of Florence Welch I saw that she did wear lipstick in many of the pictures. Although Florence does not have as much eye make-up as Chloe has, it is still the same colour. What's more, in other images of Florence she does have heavy black eye make-up on just like Chloe's in the photograph above. So, overall I think I did well on the make-up front; however I could of included lipstick (preferably red).
In this third photograph of Indie star Florence Welch I will comparing the similarities and differences between her outfit, and Chloe's. Firstly, I chose this dress for Chloe to wear as sheer shirts are in fashion at the moment, especially with the 'Indie' scene. The first photo that I looked at with Florence in the black leather trousers, she is wearing a sheer shirt with them. Colour of the garments is the same which I am pleased to see and they both contain sheer fabric, although Florence is not wearing a shirt dress I have stated above about her wear a shirt in a revious photograph. The length of the dress is short, the same length as the dress Chloe is wearing. However, after researching and finding images of Florence Welch, she does also tend to wear longer, maxi dresses; perhaps I should of chosen an outfit for Chloe that contained an long, maxi dress. Finally, another differance is the shoe: Florence is wearing heels and Chloe is wearing Doc Martin boots. I could not find any images of Florence wearing Doc Martins so I have came to the conclusion that she does not own any. Could of making Chloe wear Doc Martins of been a bad decison as Florence wear heels predomidently? I do not regret this decison as Doc Martins are an indie 'must have'. So, it would be easier to get the 'Indie' image across to readers of 'IND'.
This is the last photograph I am going to compare. I have chosen this image of Florence Welch because she is wearing a very similar outfit to the one my model Chloe is wearing. The leather jackets they are both wearing is practically the same colour, this is good thing as I can see that 'Indie' artists are wearing clothes similar to my made up 'Indie' artist. Also, the colouring in the dresses they are both wearing is similar too, which again is another good thing! If you look at the image of Florence however, she is holding a red lip shaped bag/purse. Maybe I could of included a prop like a small bag when photographing Chloe. Lastly, I think I could of experimented with Chloe's hair more as in pictures that I have researched of Florence Welch she has straight hair in some (like Chloe's) but in others, like this photograph, she has wavy or curly hair. After looking back on my photo shoot I think I should of experimented more with different styles of hair and make-up. However, I am relatively pleased with my outfit choices.
Evaluation Number 4
In mid January I did a blog post named 'Audience Profiling', for my evaluation I am now looking back this post and thinking about the question: Who would be your audience for your Media product? Below is an image I have drawn of what I think a person who would read my magazine would look like. I have also included the audience profiling about the person so you know something about their background and have added extra details.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Occupation: Media Student at De Montfort University. Works part-time in record shop 'Rockaboom'
Background: Studied Media at AS and A2.Then went on to do a Media course at De Montfort University. Big passion for music and is currently a vocalist and guitarist in a band, that he put together with a group of friends. They play at small venues occasionally, including 'The Shed', 'The Soundhouse', 'Sub91' and 'Auditorium'.
Likes: Art, Fashion, Partying/Socialising, Music, Travel, Photography, Eating Out, Gigs, Festivals
Dislikes: Music downloaded illegally, Bands or artists that are 'manufactured', Self-centred people
Musical Preferences: Indie Rock/Pop, But likes a variety of music
Ambitions: To work in something to do with the Media, Play at larger venues with the band, Meet some favourite artists and bands
Looks Up To/Idolises: Mick Jagger, Johnny Marr, Alex Turner
Media Consumer Habits: Spends money on magazines monthly, Buys albums in record shops but downloads singles from iTunes, Always up-to-date in fashion, art and photography exhibitions, music and new gadgets, Mainly uses Twitter, Occasionally Facebook and the band have a MySpace account.
Shops At: Vintage shops, for example: 'The Wardrobe', Leicester
Favourite Bands: I Am Arrows, One Night Only, The Drums
Favourite Television Shows: The Inbetweeners, Skins, Misfits
Favourite Films: Independent films like 'This is England' and comedies.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Media Student at De Montfort University. Works part-time in record shop 'Rockaboom'
Background: Studied Media at AS and A2.Then went on to do a Media course at De Montfort University. Big passion for music and is currently a vocalist and guitarist in a band, that he put together with a group of friends. They play at small venues occasionally, including 'The Shed', 'The Soundhouse', 'Sub91' and 'Auditorium'.
Likes: Art, Fashion, Partying/Socialising, Music, Travel, Photography, Eating Out, Gigs, Festivals
Dislikes: Music downloaded illegally, Bands or artists that are 'manufactured', Self-centred people
Musical Preferences: Indie Rock/Pop, But likes a variety of music
Ambitions: To work in something to do with the Media, Play at larger venues with the band, Meet some favourite artists and bands
Looks Up To/Idolises: Mick Jagger, Johnny Marr, Alex Turner
Media Consumer Habits: Spends money on magazines monthly, Buys albums in record shops but downloads singles from iTunes, Always up-to-date in fashion, art and photography exhibitions, music and new gadgets, Mainly uses Twitter, Occasionally Facebook and the band have a MySpace account.
Shops At: Vintage shops, for example: 'The Wardrobe', Leicester
Favourite Bands: I Am Arrows, One Night Only, The Drums
Favourite Television Shows: The Inbetweeners, Skins, Misfits
Favourite Films: Independent films like 'This is England' and comedies.
Evaluation Number 6
Blogger- When I first started my Media AS I had never used a blog before or even really looked at any blogs so I had minimal knowledge on how to use them. I think I have came on leaps and bounds since I first began this Media course in September 2010 and I have a wide knowledge of how to use. Also, not only do I use blogspot I regularly look at blogs such as Topshops.
SlideShare - SlideShare has been useful to me when I have been doing presentations. When I have to do my pitch for my music magazine, I uploaded my PowerPoint onto SlideShare and I found it relatively straight forward and easy seeming as I had not used it before.
Animoto - Animoto has been one of my favourite programs I have used this year. I first began to use Animoto when I made a 'moodboard' for inspiration about my magazine. I like how you can personalise the animation yourself and also add music which was good as I am making a music magazine.
Scribd - When using Microsoft Word it has been quick, simple, and easy to upload these documents onto Scribd and then embed them into my blog. However, I just usually type straight into the blog post on Blogger unless I am creating a document that may need to be a bit more 'in-depth'.
Lookbook - Lookbook was extremely useful when making my music magazine as I was struggling on ideas for poses my model could do. When I was on the website I could just flick through pages and pages of images and then find ones which I though had good and appropriate poses I could copy for the photo shoot for 'IND' magazine.
Twitter - There are hundreds of bands on Twitter and it was a helpful website when looking for bands and artists that I could include in my music magazine.
Facebook - Like above, there are hundreds of bands on Facebook and it was a helpful website when looking for bands and artists that I could include in my music magazine.
Photoshop - I had never used Photoshop before so I found it extremely difficult but I managed to get there in the end! I have learned many new skills including how to edit images, cut images out using the lasso tool and to adjust the contrast and brightness of photographs, among many other things. I am proud of myself for what I have achieved.
Digital Camera - I am not very good at taking photographs and is one of the things I would love to be better at! But, after taking lots and lots of photographs on my photo shoot I could pick out my favourite ones that I would use for 'IND' magazine.
Computer/Laptop - I used the schools computers which included Photoshop on which I unfortunately so not have at home so I had to stay after school to use the facilities. I own a laptop which I do the majority of my blog work on.
SlideShare - SlideShare has been useful to me when I have been doing presentations. When I have to do my pitch for my music magazine, I uploaded my PowerPoint onto SlideShare and I found it relatively straight forward and easy seeming as I had not used it before.
Animoto - Animoto has been one of my favourite programs I have used this year. I first began to use Animoto when I made a 'moodboard' for inspiration about my magazine. I like how you can personalise the animation yourself and also add music which was good as I am making a music magazine.
Scribd - When using Microsoft Word it has been quick, simple, and easy to upload these documents onto Scribd and then embed them into my blog. However, I just usually type straight into the blog post on Blogger unless I am creating a document that may need to be a bit more 'in-depth'.
Lookbook - Lookbook was extremely useful when making my music magazine as I was struggling on ideas for poses my model could do. When I was on the website I could just flick through pages and pages of images and then find ones which I though had good and appropriate poses I could copy for the photo shoot for 'IND' magazine.
Twitter - There are hundreds of bands on Twitter and it was a helpful website when looking for bands and artists that I could include in my music magazine.
Facebook - Like above, there are hundreds of bands on Facebook and it was a helpful website when looking for bands and artists that I could include in my music magazine.
Photoshop - I had never used Photoshop before so I found it extremely difficult but I managed to get there in the end! I have learned many new skills including how to edit images, cut images out using the lasso tool and to adjust the contrast and brightness of photographs, among many other things. I am proud of myself for what I have achieved.
Digital Camera - I am not very good at taking photographs and is one of the things I would love to be better at! But, after taking lots and lots of photographs on my photo shoot I could pick out my favourite ones that I would use for 'IND' magazine.
Computer/Laptop - I used the schools computers which included Photoshop on which I unfortunately so not have at home so I had to stay after school to use the facilities. I own a laptop which I do the majority of my blog work on.
Create your own video slideshow at
Evaluation Number 7
After taking these screen grabs and putting my final magazine cover and preliminary magazine cover together I am really pleased with what I have achieved throughout this school year. I think that my magazine looks very professional, and I am extremely happy with my progress. I believe that the reasoning for my final magazine looking better that my preliminary magazine is because of the skills I have learnt and then used and put into my final product. My main target for my magazine was to make it look professional and as if you could pick this up in your local supermarket; I think I have achieved this. By putting the masthead, cover lines and main image in a stereotypical place and abiding to magazine rules this helps make the front cover look more professional. As you can see on the preliminary I have not included a bar code, price or date of my magazine - however, for my final I have done this. This is my favourite image of my model Chloe and I am pleased with how it looks. I am sure you would say that my photography skills, that were very minimum, have became better. Finally, another thing that has improved for my final front cover is my perception of appearance. The fonts I have used and also the colours look better and would be more likely to be used on real media products.
Again, like the front cover I am pleased with what I have achieved at the end of making my contents page. As you can see, my preliminary contents page is very sparse. On the other hand, my final contents page looks full but also minimalistic which was the look I was going for. Skills I have used during making the contents page included using Photoshop. For the Polaroid images at the bottom of my page I firstly found an image of a Polaroid picture and then opened it into Photoshop. After I had done this I cut out the photograph that was in the Polaroid and used the magic eraser tool to make the background transparent. Using photographs I had taken (one of my model Chloe, Kate Nash, George Craig and Will), I cropped them to a correct and accurate size and added them into the Polaroid frame. Lastly, I used the text box tool to add relevant page numbers to the Polaroids. Similarly to the final front cover of my music magazine, I think that the fonts I have used make it look professional, also, I have used a variety of fonts rather than just the one I used for the preliminary.
I did not do a double-page spread for my preliminary task, unlike the front cover and magazine contents so I do not have a picture to compare my final double-page spread to. However, I will be comparing my final double-page spread to the contents page and front cover preliminaries I did. Around the edge of my page I have added a boarder, I think this is a nice touch and makes it that bit better. Also, after analysing other music magazine double-page spreads I liked the idea of using black and white and then one or more bolder colours to make certain words, phrases and/or texts stand out; I used black and white with red and navy blue. I chose these colours because it helps make all of the pages of my magazine look like they tie in together, this was one of my improvements. Finally, I positioned random quotes around the image of Chloe because I think that they look better dotted around rather in a positioned place.
Friday, 4 March 2011
Pose Inspiration
Here the model is looking straight at the camera and therefore, this is making the reader of the magazine 'involved'. This pose could be used on the contents page or front cover. I also like the effect the image has on it.
I like how a cigarette is used as a prop in this image, I also like how the model is sitting in a wheel barrow. This adds more 'fun' to the image and makes it less bland. I would use this pose on a double-page spread.
Here the angle of the photograph is done well, I also like the 'laid back' attitude the model gets across. I would most likely use this photograph on a double-page spread.
In this image I like how the model has their leg up against the wall. I prefer the shot where the model is looking directly at the camera. This pose could be used on a front cover or double page spread.
Here, the hat makes the pose more exciting as it is being used as a prop.This pose would be good if used on a front cover.
I really like how the model is jumping as it adds 'fun' and 'energy' into the image. I would use this pose on the front cover or double-page spread.
By the model looking effortless it looks effective. This could be used anywhere on the front cover ot double-page spread in the magazine.
I really like the right-hand side photo. This would be an excelent pose for the front cover of my magazine.The model's facial expression also adds to the image.
This would most likely be used on a double-page spread. I like the effect the image has on it and the model looks relaxed in the pose they are doing.
The direction the model is look looks good here also the hands in the pockets. this image could be used anywhere in my magazine.
I like this image because the model looks comfortable and happy also the wall background looks really good. This image would be used on a double-page spread or contents.
By the headphones being used as a prop you would be able to tell that my magazine is about music. I like the effect the photo has on it. These poses would be good on the front cover.
I like this because the model is standing on the top of some steps so angling of the photo looks good. I like both ways the model is looking. These poses would be on a front cover.
I like the sceneary and how the model is looking straight into the camera. This would be good on a double-page spread.
By sitting on the steps, this adds more 'interest' into the photograph. This would be good to use on a double-page spread.
Here I like how the model is using her arm in the pose. This photography would be good for the double-page spread
Draft Magazine Feedback
- Model needs to look like they are putting effort into something
- It is bland at the moment
- Bands are too broad for Indie magazine
- Interesting fonts
- Very sparse
- No apparent colour scheme
- Good layout
- Polaroids need to be own images
- More text on contents lines
- Lack of colour scheme
- Needs to have more 'punch'
- School field photo is not appropriate/doesn't fit with music magazine
- Needs adding to article
- Use colour images
R & P Level: 4
Practical Draft Level: Mid level 2
- Analysis (9)
- Audience (1)
- Band (2)
- Chloe (1)
- Colour (1)
- Colour Palette (1)
- Colour Scheme (1)
- Contents Page (4)
- Double-Page Spread (4)
- Draft (4)
- Editing (1)
- Evaluation (1)
- Fashion (2)
- Fonts (1)
- Front Cover (4)
- Ideas (6)
- Independent Style Magazine (1)
- IPC Media (1)
- Links (1)
- Love Magazine (1)
- Magazine (18)
- Magazine Research (4)
- Market Research (2)
- Mock (3)
- Moodboard (1)
- Music (7)
- Music Artists (8)
- NME (6)
- Photography (4)
- Pitch (1)
- Profile (1)
- Publisher (1)
- Questionarre (1)
- Radio (1)
- Research (8)
- Results (1)
- Style Model (2)
- Test (2)
- The Indicators (3)
- Title (1)
- Websites (1)
- Will (2)
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